Ultimate Blog Party 2008It’s almost time again for the Ultimate Blog Party! Last year’s blog party was very significant for me. I decided to spruce up the place and that’s when I found my diary girl header image. My first non-friend client found me through the blog party; she was from a big family and liked the idea of giving her business to a homeschooling mom of 8. I still remember my shock that someone I didn’t know trusted me to design for her. 😉

The UBP is a week-long bloggy visitation sensation! There will be a LONG Mr. Linky at 5 Minutes for Mom, directing you to all the participating sites. Many prizes are donated through 5MFM, and there will be a giveaway drawing for those. Many people host contests on their blogs, too. Click on the graphic in this post or the sidebar for more details. See you there!

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