The timing couldn’t have been more perfect when we received our Heads Up! Frames, Readers, Double Time, and Top of the Line products in the mail. My daughter was reading – insisting that she needed to keep her finger under each line to keep her place, while I insisted that she didn’t – when my son brought them to me.

My daughter immediately latched onto the Heads Up! Double Time, a reading aid which comes with a yellow or blue transparent strip along the top that highlights an area large enough for the reader to view two lines of most texts. She kept her focus, kept her place, and just relaxed and read.

Heads Up

Heads Up! is a company designed to provide expert information and products for struggling learners. They are appropriate for various learning styles and curriculum, and especially helpful for hyper or easily distracted children. Their goal is to equip homeschooling families, occupational therapists, speech therapists, and those working with special needs children with tools that assist in teaching without frustration.

About Frames:

Heads Up! Frames are available in six different colors and two sizes.The use of color overlays has long been established as an effective low-tech tool to aid in focusing the student’s attention to written material. The frames block in pertinent information on a page while the color helps the student to sustain attention.

About Readers:

The Heads Up! Readers are also available in six different colors, and have a highlighted color strip in the middle to help with visual tracking. Many adults and children with dyslexia read by holding a piece of paper above and below the line of print in order to block out everything except the line they are reading. The Heads Up! Readers are essentially performing the same function by blocking out the writing above and below the highlighted strip, with the advantage of having color and a one piece tool that is conveniently sized to double as a bookmark. A clear, non-color version is also available.

About Double Time:

This reading aid has a transparent yellow or blue strip along the top that highlights an area large enough for the reader to view two lines of most texts. A visual reminder to continue reading to the next line, the Heads Up! Double Time is also a helpful tool for proficient readers who benefit by using color to help focus attention. Makes a great bookmark, too! (Size 2-3/8″ by 8″) NOTE: Comes with a removable clear film to protect the product until ready for use.

About Top of the Line:

This reading aid has a blue or yellow highlighted strip along the top to help readers “keep their place” along a line of text, graphs, or charts. Use of color has been shown to be helpful in focusing attention, so the Heads Up! Top of the Line is helpful even for proficient readers who are distractible or have difficulty maintaining visual attention for adequate periods of time. Makes a great bookmark, too! (Size 2-3/8″ by 8″) NOTE: Comes with a removable clear film to protect the product until ready for use.

One of the coolest things about these Heads Up! products is the price. Each of the items featured on this page sells for $1 each!

Heads Up 2

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