We had a busy, busy week: Classical Conversations tutor training in South Carolina on Monday, flashmob at Moe’s (I’ll post the video link when available!), Classical Conversations Challenge II parent meeting and dinner at my house last night.

Camera Phone Friday Week #21

Grocery Game list | Impulse purchase = root beer floats tonight | Played “midwived” for 107 points.
Getting our money’s worth out if this car | Arrrrrgh! | Lazy Morning

If you’re an (in)courage reader, check out this post for details on how to add your photos to our group camera phone photography project!

Click here for details on making collages or getting links for individual images.

Camera Phone Friday

<a href=”https://dawncamp.com” target=”_blank”><img src=”http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h46/campclan/CPF.png” alt=”MyHomeSweetHomeOnline.Net” width=”125″ height=”152″ /></a>


What did you do this week?

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