While driving into Atlanta for Bloggy Boot Camp, I had the thought that I “represented” (in)courage there. One thing I’ve learned in blogging is never to assume that another blogger has ever heard of or read you or any site that you’re affiliated with, but still: in my universe (in)courage is important and representing it well matters to me.

My kids receive a well-rehearsed speech on the way to field trips: behave yourselves because you represent homeschoolers, your support group, your family, and your church. I’ve always counted on the number and importance of the groups that they embody to be a sobering influence. We moms need all the help we can get.

In a sense, we’re proxies for every organization we join or site for which we write.

Who do you represent?


All 31 Days of Real Life posts can be found here. Other 31 Dayers can be found here.

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