We’ve made it to Day 10! A 31 days series poses challenges, whether it’s a matter of adequate material or the time to post it. My Lightroom catalog contains over 53K images, so I don’t think we’ll run out of content any time soon. As a matter of fact, I’ve had so much fun with this series that I think I’ll continue posting occasional before and after shots post-October.

Your positive feedback means a lot to me!

This is the daughter of one of my dearest friends. I love the shot, but the stick in her hands makes it look like she has antlers, doesn’t it? Obviously the stick has to go!

Day 10 - Before

Day 10 - After

The Edits:

  1. Remove the branch in Photoshop. I probably used either the patch tool, spot healing brush tool, or healing brush tool. (I can always go back and see my edits in Lightroom, but not in Photoshop. This is from May of ’09, before content aware fill.)
  2. Apply a preset called Creative – Aged Photo. I think this was a default Lightroom preset at the time; it reduces color saturation.
  3. Adjust exposure (brightness).
  4. Add a medium vignette (darken the edges).

The combination of the simple white cotton dress and the reduced color saturation give this a vintage feel that appeals to me. What do you think?

Find Day 1 and links to the whole series here. Be sure to subscribe for email updates either at the end of this post or over on the right above my picture to receive new posts in your inbox each day.

[Click here to read my other 31 Days series, 31 Days of Encouragement and 31 Days of Real Life.]

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4

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