Camera Phone Friday: First Week of School Edition

Camera Phone Friday: First Week of School Edition

Link up your camera phone photos for the week! 1. Lunch date (finger lickin’ good) 2. Last pedicure of the summer 3. The Cuteness 4. My kind of snack (peanut). What’s your favorite M&M? 5. Moth on my front door. How to open without letting it...
Camera Phone Collage Week #8

Camera Phone Collage Week #8

Prepping for the season’s 1st lemonade stand  |  Got my impatiens potted  | Getting back home before rain Spring in the South | Love how my little girls walk through the mall holding hands | Chick-fil-a lunch Silly girls (on the real cam) | Swirly skies | Love...
Camera Phone Collage Week #7

Camera Phone Collage Week #7

Fresh pineapple with breakfast | Hydrangea | Actual unedited photo. Really. Don’t you believe me? Work and play at the library | Sweet tea, with style | Gummy gifts: my husband rocks C.S. Lewis | Cutest. Crackers. Ever. | Cheap date night On Wednesday night, one...
Camera Phone Collage Week #6

Camera Phone Collage Week #6

KelbyTraining LIVE | Lunch Break Reading | Cuteness | Computer artist at work Dancing with guineae pigs | Mommy Time Out | Still my favorite breakfast | Lunch @Arby’s Playing with costumes | C.S. Lewis | Bottom of the tea cup | Good novels are written…...
Camera Phone Mosaic with a Linky: Want to Play?

Camera Phone Mosaic with a Linky: Want to Play?

Spring has Sprung! | photographing your shoe is awkward | “never never have I ever” Retro packaging  |  Apparently real sugar is old school  |  Monday Morning Isn’t “bopyfogey” a word?  |  Garden Center  |  Necessary Indulgence My b-day...

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